Welcome to Mavericks custom Exotics

Discover a world of exotic enclosure, decor, and equipment tailored to your needs. Let us bring the wild to your home or business.


Ideal showpieces for your home, lobby, business or lounge.

Expert after purchase care 

Transform your space with our carefully curated enclosure, decor, and equipment. All included with advise, customer service both before and after purchase. With experience keeping animals alongside enclosures advise on what's suitable for enclosures can be provided. 

About us

Mavericks Exotics is dedicated to providing top-quality products for exotic pet owners, ensuring setups are practical and stylish with great value for money. With a passion for unique and innovative solutions, we strive to create the perfect environment for your beloved pets. Our knowledge and experience with a variety of animals and species aids create enclosures based on environments.